The best info about alfalfa is here!

Where from can we buy certified alfalfa seed?


About us

Who are we?

We are just good practitioners, people who have spent thousands of hours observing, studying and understanding the physiology of the alfalfa plant, with an immense pleasure in sharing our knowledge with others.

What do we do?

We research, produce, process and sell certified alfalfa seed.

Why did we create this website?

This is not meant to be a website, but a „pocket guide” about alfalfa; a place where you can get the best solutions for alfalfa cultivation.

What do we want from this website?

To provide cultivators with the information they need to set up a certified alfalfa and seed crop of the highest quality.

Why do we cultivate alfalfa?

What is alfalfa?

Alfalfa is the oldest fodder plant, very well adapted to various climatic and soil conditions, and it is cultivated on all continents.

What are the advantages of alfalfa cultivation?

Alfalfa cultivation has a high productivity, special biological properties and superior fodder quality.

Alfalfa is also an important plant in soil improvement, which it enriches in nitrogen, leaves it free of weeds, with a good structure, and prevents secondary salinization, under irrigation conditions.

How can we help farmers who want to sow alfalfa?

By offering them certified alfalfa seed, advice on choosing the right variety, advice to control weeds and pests, advice to maximize profit per unit area.

Do you want FREE advice on setting up an alfalfa crop? Call 0800 110 210 (toll free call).

How can the farmer’s production and profit be maximized?

Through a customized technology of alfalfa cultivation according to needs, facilities, objectives and financial availability.

Our technical department is at your service in regards to choosing the right solution for your farm.

When should we cultivate alfalfa?

Alfalfa sowing is done in early spring, when the soil temperature at the sowing depth is 4-5 ˚C, and the humidity is sufficient for a uniform emergence. Calendaristically, these conditions are achieved in the first half of March in the south of the country and in the second half of March or early April in other areas of alfalfa cultivation.

It can also be sown in late summer or early autumn, under irrigation conditions, when from the sowing season until winter the sum of biologically active temperatures is between 750 and 1,100 ˚C. Calendaristically, the sowing season is between August 25 and September 5 in the plain areas and between August 10 and 25 in the hilly regions.

Why is it not good to sow alfalfa outside the optimal sowing period?

If alfalfa is sown in other periods and conditions than those mentioned, the success rate decreases due to the risk of negative temperatures in early spring or lack of soil moisture at the depth of sowing, and this may result in plants with a root system poorly developed for dry periods or plants not adapted to low winter temperatures.

How should the soil be prepared for sowing?

Plowing should be done in summer for sowing in autumn, and in autumn for sowing in spring. Plowing depth should be of 25-30 cm.

The preparation of the germination bed with the combine is done 3-5 days before sowing. The soil should be rolled before and / or after sowing, depending on field conditions.

What’s the influence of the soil type on soil preparation?

Depending on the type of soil, different factors are involved in the preparation of the land:

  • plowing depth;
  • soil moisture at the time of work;
  • the type of equipment used.

How much seed is needed for one hectare of alfalfa?

The amount of alfalfa seed required to sow one hectare of alfalfa is between 18 and 24 kg of undredged seed, and between 25 and 30 kg of dredged seed.

What are the advantages of sowing in autumn?

Sowing in autumn means a higher production in the first year and a lower degree of weeding of the crop.

What are the advantages of sowing in spring?

The main advantage of sowing in spring is the existence of moisture for emergence, in the absence of irrigation.

What are the enemies of alfalfa crops?

The determining factors that can negatively influence the alfalfa crop are:

  • of a climatic nature, and here we mention the large temperature fluctuations in winter and spring (freeze-thaw)
  • weeding, especially with problem weeds such as Cuscuta spp. (dodder), Rumex spp.
  • specific pests (alfalfa leaf weevil – Hypera variabilis, red alfalfa beetle – Phytodecta fornicata) and polyphagous (Aphids, Thrips), especially in the first year.

How can these enemies be fought?

Weeds are controlled by the following measures:

  • preemptively: the establishment of the culture on lands with a low degree of weeding, the use of certified alfalfa seed free of weeds, fertilization with well-fermented manure;
  • in alfalfa cultivation: mechanically, by successive mowing, mowing in hearths or removal by plucking, or chemically, by herbicides specific to the spectrum of weeds.

When is alfalfa fertilized?

Basic fertilization is done before plowing, while foliar fertilization with herbicide. From year 2, fertilization is done in early spring and after mowing.

What alfalfa seed should we sow?

What varieties of alfalfa do we recommend?

We recommend the Romanian varieties, for their resistance to drought and low winter temperatures.

What are the Romanian varieties of alfalfa?

What are the advantages of the Romanian alfalfa varieties?

Along its better adaptability to the climatic conditions in Romania, the Romanian alfalfa varieties also have the advantage of very competitive prices.

Why is it important to sow certified alfalfa seed?

To secure the investment and increase the success rate by sowing disease-free and pest-free seeds. The seed offered by us has a high degree of purity (over 99.5%). This ensures the reduction of weeds, of annual or perennial weeds, such as Rumex spp. (dock), Melilotus spp. (sulphine), Atriplex spp. (saltbush), and Convolvulus arvensis (field bindweed).

Is the quality of the seeds influenced by the biological category?

The quality of the seeds is not influenced by the biological category (Base / C1 / C2), but by the way of processing and conditioning.

What alternatives do we have to Romanian varieties?

The alternative is represented by varieties imported from Italy, with characteristics similar to the Romanian ones. An important feature is dormancy.

What is dormancy and why is it important in choosing the alfalfa variety?

Dormancy is the state of total rest characteristic of perennial plants, necessary to overcome more easily the winter period. In Romanian varieties, the dormancy is high, being marked with 4 – 4.5. This is an important asset in the context of cold winters in our country.

What kind of Italian alfalfa do we offer?

The variety offered by us is Dimitra. Dormancy 7 in its case results in obtaining a larger amount of fodder, but its resistance against frost is lower. This variety belongs to one of the largest producers of alfalfa in the world, located in the Emilia-Romagna region. Alfalfa seed of this variety is processed by means of an innovative technology that increases its performance.

What is dredging?

It is a procedure of covering the seeds with a film, consisting of a binder, nutrients, nitrogen-fixing bacteria and fungi beneficial for plant development.

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