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Answers to questions about alfalfa

Which mowing makes the best feed?

The quality of the feed depends on when the harvest is made. In order to obtain the best quantity / quality ratio, it is necessary for the alfalfa to be mowed in the budding phase – the beginning of flowering. The earlier it is harvested, the better the quality at the expense of quantity.

How is it best to store hay after mowing?

Hay is best stored after being dried, at a humidity of 17-18%.

Should alfalfa seed be mixed with oats when sowing?

In autumn, oats can be sown in mixed crops with alfalfa, and it is an alternative method to using herbicides to control weeds. Sowing is done in 2 stages, due to differences in seed sizes.

What type of seeding machine should be used for sowing alfalfa?

In alfalfa’s case, it is similar to the straw__cereals seed machine. On small areas, it can be sown manually by spreading.

How much seed is it necessary per hectare?

The quantity of alfalfa seed required to sow one hectare is between 18 and 24 kg of undredged seed, and between 25 and 30 kg of dredged seed.

Is alfalfa seed free of dodder?

All alfalfa seed sold by us is free of dodder.

Do you have untreated alfalfa seed?

Alfalfa seed is not treated with fungicides and insecticides. Making it free of dodder and dredging it is not a treatment in this regard.

Can alfalfa be mixed with sand when sowing?

On small areas, you can mix alfalfa with a ballast (sand, fine soil) to help it spread better. However, this is not mandatory if the sower can spread the seeds evenly.

What is the sowing depth?

Alfalfa is sown 1-2 cm deep.

How much seed is necessary for 2,000 square meters?

Between 3.6 and 4.8 kilograms of seed are needed for 2,000 square meters.

What happens if we spread an alfalfa variety in a different country than the one where it was created?

Propagation of an alfalfa variety in another country, different from the one where it was created, does not influence the performance of the respective variety.
As long as the multiplication rules are respected in the case of alfalfa species, the result of multiplication is the same, no matter the region in which the multiplication process is carried out.
The basic rules when multiplying alfalfa are:

  • to respect the distances of isolation from other plots cultivated with alfalfa, in order to avoid the impurification with other varieties; the isolation distances differ, depending on the biological category to be multiplied;
  • before starting the process of sowing, harvesting and conditioning, the machines involved in these technological processes must be carefully cleaned, in order to eliminate possible remains of alfalfa seeds from other varieties.

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